Great Cycling Adventures

09 May 2005

The day of rest was mostly a day to sit around and watch TV. I was introduced to the sights of Glasgow by the famous Glaswegian Clare Gorgon. I really like the word Glaswegian. However, I did take a walk up the hill in Tarbert. There were some nice views of each bay outside Tarbert. No pictures as I couldn't pick up batteries on the sabbath. Later on in the evening an old gentleman rode in from Stornoway. He was planning on taking the early morning ferry to Uig with myself and a biking couple from Yorkshire. The old guy that biked in is on a 2 year bicycle trip around Europe. He started in London in early March. He also did a 1 year trip a decade back through the lower 48 states in his home country, the USA.

The ferry arrived in Tarbert at 7am. We boarded before the cars without any trouble and started the jouney to Uig before 7:30am. The ferry ride was very uneventful, so I got a nap in as we rolled along with the waves. Once we arrived in Uig I booted ahead of the English couple. I had an awesome ride the short 16 miles to Portree. The ride was really quick too, as I did it in a bit less than an hour. In the afternoon I was locked out of the hostel. So I walked through the local tree plantation and continued up to the top of the hill. It was a long boggy walk up and down the hill. However, the views were awesome. I was able to see a good ways to Dunvegan. The visitor's centre (Aros centre) wasn't all that interesting but they did have a Peatbog Faeries CD, which I hadn't seen elsewhere. How is a wind turbine any worse looking than a house on a hill? Today, was probably the easiest ride of the trip. Tomorrow the next easiest, with the day after being the hardest.


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