Great Cycling Adventures

30 April 2005

Pre-departure: I got a job inquery from a job in Germany the last day I was at my parents. The job was really tempting, but 4 months too late.

Apr 27 2005

I arrived at Pati's at 11pm as I was expecting. Unfortunatly, I coun't use Pat's keys, so her roomate had to let me in.
Thusday: Pati was estatic about her new iPod. We took a trip out to Ikea so that I could check out potential furniture for my next place to live. I'm homeless for 2 months. Somehow I'll live out of a backpack until then. The meals of the day were Indian, then I finally got to see Super Size me. Now, I have seen all of last years big Indie films (Farenhiet 911, The Corporation (American Premiere, and Super Size Me). Someday I'll see bowling for Columbine.

Friday was a nice lazy day, the Bank of America office in toronto was not able to help me with anything, so I'll have to deal with them when I find home.
Friday night was Pati's big party. Lots of people showed up, with a range of ages 18-50, and interesters: Pschology to Radio broadcasting. I also met a couple more people who were from/spent a long while in Scotland. So, I got a few more hints about where I am going.

Saturday: I arrived at the airport with a lot of time to spare. I figured I would have some trouble with customs. However, I will have to deal with customs once I land. Passing through security was awesome, my bag went through the scanner, I walked through with my wallet and that was it. I now had 5 hours to wait in the airport. Sometimes kids amaze me. While finding my gate, I was on a bus with a family who spoke at least German, French and English. Somedays, I think practice the French and German I have already learned. The five hours started quickly as I ran across a former Air Cadet friend of mine, Pete Hanley. Pete is now going to RMC for Mech Eng. he also informed me of a few other former Air Cadets now at the college. It was nice to catch up with Pete along his way to Amsterdam.

Flight: Not enough time to sleep. The lights were on for most of the trip. The guy beside me was interesting but quiet.
Bus: Boring and quiet.
I got stuck in Glasgo for the night, but at least the Scots write the date nicely dd/mm/yyyy.


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