Great Cycling Adventures

04 May 2005

Today's trip was to Calanais. The rain mostly held off until I started my way back, and even then it wasn't too bad. Calanais has lots of standing stones and the Blackhouse tearoom is run by some very interesting people. The bike back to Stornoway was absolutely awesome. It was mostly on a one-way road with the wind at my back. This was what I came for.

Sheep don't run away from fast moving objects.

The cheesecake at the tearoom was marvelous. It was a blackberry, red and black current cheesecake that was still frozen. Yesterday I used 11 gears on my bike, a new record. I figured 11 of 21 gears is probably all the useful gears. Today, I used all 21 gears, about 17 of them are in fact useful.

Tonight was the best night of drinking in a while. For 5 pounds I had a whiskey mac, a rum mac [Ginger Green wine], a 80/- beer, a 'light' beer and a tennent's lager. I was drinking with two Glasgow boys plus a dude from Japan who plans on moving here. I have the address of the Glasgow boys, so I will call them in Glasgow.


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